Introduction to Markdown

Introduction to Markdown

Markdown Logo
Image from: upload.wikimedia.org

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. Its design allows it to be converted to many output formats, the most common being HTML.

Markdown is widely used for styling text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like '#' or '*'. The great thing about Markdown is that it is easy to learn and easy to read even in its raw form.

There are many flavors and extentions for Markdown created by different companies and individuals. For example, Github Flavored Markdown (GFM) (opens in a new tab) and MDX (opens in a new tab)

What can markdown be used for?

Markdown is used for many things, including, but not limited to:

  • Documentation
  • README files
  • Forum posts
  • Blog posts
  • Messages
  • And more!

In this tutorial, we will have a look at the basics of Markdown and how to use it to style text on the web. We will only focus on the basic syntax of Markdown, and not on any specific flavor or extentions.

Brief history

Markdown was created by John Gruber in 2004. It was created to be easy to read and write, and to be converted to HTML. and was mainly intended to be used to write for the web.

Markdown playground

You can try out markdown in the editor below. Just type/modify the existing text and you will see the parsed output in real time.

Write your input here ⬇

Parsed Markdown

Our playground

This is a markdown playground. You can edit the markdown text and see how it renders in real-time.

Popular Markdown Editors

There are many editors that support Markdown. Some of the most popular ones are:

You can also use the markdown playground which we have provided below to try out Markdown in real time.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of Markdown comprises only a few elements. We will show these elements and an example of each of them.


Headers are specified using the # symbol. The number of #s specifies the level of the header. We can have up to 6 levels of headers in Markdown


Parsed Markdown







To make text bold, it should be surrounded by two *s or two _s.


Parsed Markdown

This is bold text.

And This is also bold text.


Italic text is surrounded by only one * or _.


Parsed Markdown

This text is italic .

And so is this text .

Want to make some text both  bold  and  italic?

Simply use any combination of *s and _s.


Parsed Markdown

This works,

but also this works,

and so does this, and this.

Maybe you already guessed that this and this all work.



Ordered lists are written using when writing any number followed by a .. The first number you use will be the starting point of your ordered list. All other numbers that come after that do not have any effect as the list items will simply be incremented by 1 for every new item.


Parsed Markdown

just use the same number

  1. item
  2. item
  3. item

ordered starting from 2

  1. item
  2. item
  3. item

completely random

  1. item
  2. item
  3. item


Unordered lists can use either *, +, or - as list markers. Use two empty spaces to indent the list items once, four spaces two indent twice and so on. We don't recommend that you mix different symbols for the same list and same level as this is parsed as seperate lists.


Parsed Markdown

  • item with *
  • item with *
    • indented item
      • indented twice
  • item with +
  • item with +
    • indented item +
      • indented twice +
  • item with -
    • indented -
  • first level
  • first level
    • second level
      • third level

Line breaks

Single line breaks that you have in your input are ignored by the parser. If you want to have a line break in the output, you can either use \ or add two or more line breaks in your text. If you want to have more than one line break in your output(e.g., A few empty lines), then you have to use \ for each one.


Parsed Markdown

No linebreak here. We are still on the first line.

And now we are on a new line.
And a new one :)


  • You can just enclose your text between < and > and it will be shown as a link.
  • But if you want to display a different text, you should use this syntax [Text to display](https://url.org)
  • you can also use relative links: [text to display](/relative)



Images are very close to links in markdown. But they have an extra ! in front. The syntax for images are ![Alt text](/path/to/image).

The "Alt text" is a short textual description of the the image.

Here the path to the image can also be a url or a relative path.


Parsed Markdown


Inline code

Inline code is displayed on the same line. It is added by surrounding your code by a backtick `.


Parsed Markdown

Here is an example of inlined code

Code blocks

You can also write code on a seperate line (or lines) by surrouding it by three backticks ```.


Parsed Markdown

git push
git pull


To add a block quote, simply add a > at the begining of the line. Multiple consequetive quoted lines are grouped toghether in a larger quote.

You can also nest quotes by increasing the number of >s. You can also optionally adda spaces between them.

Keep in mind that you cannot go back to a lower level of a quote in the same block after a nested quote in basic MD as this would not be parsed properly.


Parsed Markdown

No quote

Quote block some random text

nested quote

nested nested Doesn't go back to the same level of two nested quotes!

Horizontal Rule

Horizontal rules help you seperate your text. To create a horizontal rule, use three or more asterisks (***), dashes (---), or underscores (___) on a line by themselves


Parsed Markdown



Escape Character

To escape any Character in Markdown, prepend it with a \. To escape the backslash itself, use \\.


Parsed Markdown

This *text is not* italic, but this is.

Further Resources
